P.D. Parker

Curricula Vitae

Awards and Scholarships

  1. Australian Psychological Society, Science Prize (2005)
  2. University of Sydney Seed Grant (2008) $5000
  3. University of Western Sydney, School of Education Seed Grant (2012) $6500
  4. ARC discovery grant (2012) $343,458
  5. ARC DECRA fellowship (2013) $389,000
  6. Spencer Foundation International Early Career Award Semi-Finalist (2012)


  1. PhD (Education), University of Sydney (2010)
  2. Postgraduate Certificate in Oganisational Behaviour, Macquarie University (2013)
  3. Bachelor of Arts – Psychology (Honours 1st Class), University of Western Sydney (2005).
  4. Bachelor of Arts – Psychology, Macquarie University (2004)

Editorial Responsibility

  1. Editorial board, Journal of Educational Psychology
  2. Editorial Board. Learning and Instruction
  3. Editorial board, Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
  4. Post-hoc reviewer: Dev Psych, Child Development, Children and Society, Journal of Economic Inequality, BJEP, and several more